Procurement & Disposal Unit (PDU) is a Central unit responsible for procurement of goods, services and works for the entire University and her learning Centers.
The Unit is mandated by the PPDA Act and University Council to ensure effective and efficient procurement requirements of the Entity in compliance with PPDA Regulations and Donor guidelines.
It is the PDU’s task to ensure transparency, competitiveness, fairness and value for money principles in the entire procurement cycle.
By Law the Procurement function in the Country is regulated by the Public Procurement & Disposal of Public Assets Authority(PPDA)
The PDU is charged with the responsibility to ensure compliance with the PPDA Act,The Finance Management Act, The Income Tax Act, among other legislations
and guidelines from relevant Government bodies.
The Unit is headed by Mr Muhanguzi Richard (Mcips(UK), MILT, CMIPPPU), staffed with other 7 professionals and 2 support staff.
Contact the Head PDU:
Richard Muhanguzi(Principal Procurement Officer)
Office: 0414287662
Cell : +256782015613
Quick email:rmby2002@yahoo.co.uk