The Top Management of the University consists of the following officers:

  1. Vice-Chancellor who is responsible for academic, administrative and financial affairs of the University,
  2. Deputy Vice-Chancellors, responsible for academic affairs
  3. Deputy Vice-Chancellor, responsible for finance and administration.
  4. University Secretary, responsible for general administration,
  5. Academic Registrar, responsible for academic matters,
  6. University Librarian, responsible for the development, control, management and coordination of all library information services,
  7. University Bursar, responsible for financial administration and planning of the University;
  8. Dean of Students, responsible for students’ welfare.
  9. Chief Internal Auditor, responsible for providing assurance to Management and the University Council on the effective functioning of internal controls, risk assessment, and consistent application of University policies and applicable laws.
  10. Director of Human Resources, responsible for ensuring optimum use of Human resources as a key to achieve objectives of the University.
  11. Director Planning and Development, responsible for generating planning awareness, steering the University into a systematic planning process and coordinating all planning activities in the University including resource mobilization efforts.
  12. Director, Directorate of ICT and Services, responsible for ICT developments in the University.
  13. Senior Public Relations Officer, responsible for handling all planned public campaigns and PR activities of the University;
  14. Senior Legal Officer, responsible for the legal issues of the University;
  15. Senior Procurement Officer, responsible for all procurements of the University.