Message from the Ag Director

Dr. Kebirungi Harriet, PhD – Ag. Director of Gender Mainstreaming

Hello our valued Guest,

We are very delighted to welcome you to the web-page of the Directorate of Gender Mainstreaming at Kyambogo University. The page highlights a brief historical perspective of the Directorate, the Directorates’ mandate, management structures, administrative staff, partnerships and research projects, conferences, workshops and seminars and navigates you through the Kyambogo University Gender Policy (2014).

Our mandate stretches to promote gender and equity responsiveness in the provision of goods and services to Kyambogo University consumers who include members of staff and students, University Council and Senate and their committees, consultants, vendors, service providers, and any other agent/stakeholder of the University who engages in University activities, business, or transactions. The Directorate is cognizant of the gender related life challenges, issues, concerns and special needs of all vulnerable groups or any nationally or legally recognized groups including but not limited to persons with disabilities. The Directorate achieves its mandate through application and utilization of gender related international, national, and institutional policies that protect and promote such group rights and interests.

The Directorate of Gender Mainstreaming at Kyambogo University has established both national and international partnerships and collaborations in education and other sectors and commissions that promote gender and equity in educational settings.

For more information, contact
The Director
Directorate of Gender Mainstreaming
Central Teaching Facility (CTF) Rooms 9 & 10
P.0.Box 1, Kyambogo University
Kampala Uganda (EA)
Once again it is great to have you with us, sharing the same journey, by the same road. Welcome!
Kebirungi Harriet, PhD
Tel: +256 772 835 518/+256 756 767 804

Background & About Us

The Directorate of Gender Mainstreaming was established in 2017 with a mandate of mainstreaming gender and equity in all Kyambogo University core functions which include; strategic policies and plans, institutional structures,... Read more

Research & Projects

These include; The Professional Fellows Program for Advancing Young Women Agribusiness Entrepreneurs and Innovators: A Tanzania-Kenya-Uganda-U.S. Partnership, A multi-disciplinary exploration into men’s breastfeeding habits in Uganda: Centre for Health Services Studies etc... Read more

Our Achievements

Here are our major achievements registered since the establishment of the Directorate include; the first International Women’s Day, Institutionalization of gender and equity Planning and budgeting etc... Read more

Activities Conducted

The Directorate has conducted various activities among which include; Orgainisin the first International Women’s Day, Induction Training of the Kyambogo University Gender Technical Working Committee, disseminating the Kyambogo University Gender Policy to staff and Students etc... Read more

Collaborations and Partnerships

Upcoming Events

  • In November 2019 the Directorate of Gender Mainstreaming in a bid to recognize women who have excelled in sciences will be commemorating a female mathematician who was brutally murdered with an advanced pregnancy in 1979 during Idi Amin regime.
  • The Directorate will spearhead the commemoration of the Annual International Women’s Day to be held on March 2020 as will be guided by the selected Annual Theme

Publications and conferences

The Directorate has produced a brochure of a Gender Policy Extract of Kyambogo University and printed copies of Kyambogo University Gender Policy.

Download the 

Visit us

The Director Directorate of Gender Mainstreaming P.0.Box 1, Kyambogo University Kampala Uganda (EA)

Central Teaching Facility (CTF) Rooms 9 & 10

Call us

Call the Director, Dr. Kebirungi Harriet, PhD

+256 772 835 518/+256 756 767 804

Contact us

You can send us an email