Message from the Ag. Farm Manager
I invite and warmly welcome you to the university farm space on the university website.
You are encouraged to continuously visit us to acquaint yourself with the latest developments at the university farm or visit us directly during working hours (from 6:30am-6:00pm) for more information.
About us
Kyambogo University farm was established in 1972 by the then NTC Kyambogo to run along with the department of Agriculture. It has evolved over time to meet expectations of all levels of training.
It is located at the top of Banda Heights near Kabakas’ Banda Palace. There is an access road, power, piped water and the fertile soils.
Kyambogo University has another 183 acres of land in Nakagere/Namasiga-Goma subcounty-Mukono district.
Objectives of the farm
General objective
Specific objectives
Services and or products offered
Bearing in mind that Agriculture is the back-borne of Uganda’s economy coupled with increasing population growth, it is paramount that Agricultural activities are carried out in a modern way in order to produce quality Agricultural products for both a healthy and wealthy population.
It is against this background that the University farm strives to produce quality products while training students through the processes involved.
Kyambogo University farm offers quality products to the community such as Milk and Eggs, Breeding animals, Beef animals as well as technical advice farmers.
Kyambogo university Reporting
The farm manager reports directly to the Head, Agriculture department.
Currently the university farm has the following enterprises;
Future plans
Kyambogo University farm is planning to expand to Namasiga/Nakagere-Goma sub county-Mukono district beginning with the dairy enterprise.