Welcome! to the Department of Education Planning & Management

Message from Head of Department

I welcome you to the Department of Educational Planning & Management at Kyambogo University.

The Department of Educational Planning & Management (EPM) is one of the six (06) departments in the Faculty of Education at Kyambogo University. The department is located at the Faculty of Education building, Western End of Kyambogo University and it Offers a PhD, a Masters, a Post Graduate Diploma, an Undergraduate  Degree and a diploma programme in educational administration, management, and leadership. The department aims at providing quality education and training in educational administration, management, and leadership to a wide spectrum of learners and practitioners by offering both on-and-off campus training programmes. The EPM Department is guided by the desire to maintain cherished values and reputation in training and mentoring men and women who model best practices in aducation, administration, management and leadership in the education sector at a global level.

The Department of Educational Planning & Management is committed to improving the quality and understanding of educational administration, management and leadership in Uganda and internationally through high-quality teaching, research, professional development, and community service. We believe that competent academics never stop learning! Some of the core functions of the EPM Department include but not limited to:

  • training educational managers, leaders and researchers who are capable of addressing educational demands and challenges through critical analysis of educational environmental issues; political, economic, societal and technological aspects;
  • producing innovative, transformative and professionally committed educational planners, administrators, managers and leaders;
  • and empowering a team of educational planners, administrators, managers and leaders who are responsible under decentralised educational contexts;
  • providing educational management consultancy services to national, regional and international clients.

We look forward to welcoming you to our community of educational administrators, managers, and leaders in your respective capacity. Our academic staff, with unquestionable competence, aims to promote your professional and scholarly growth as a reflective, caring, competent and innovative educational administrator, manager and leader.

To speak with us and learn more about our programs, please call or email our offices. We will provide you with the information you need. 

Programmes Offered:

The department currently offers the following courses:

  1. Ph.D. in Education (Educational Planning & Management-Specialisation)
  2. Master of Education in Policy, Planning & Management
  3. Post Graduate Diploma in Educational Management & Leadership
  4. Bachelor of Education (Educational Administration-Specialisation)
  5. Diploma in Educational Planning & Management

Browse Programmes Details

Research and Publications



Email: planningmgt@kyu.ac.ug or (educmgt@kyu.ac.ug)