Office of the University Secretary

Welcome message from the University Secretary

I take this opportunity to welcome you to Kyambogo University. In a special way, I welcome all our parents, guardians, students, development partners and the alumni community to our Department. The University Secretary’s office is very central in the running of the University and as such coordinates the development of strategies and plans to improve service delivery to our esteemed stakeholders. We promise to continue to provide timely services and responses to the unique needs of our distinguished stakeholders.

The mandate of the Office of the University Secretary

The Office of the University Secretary is statutory and established under Section 33 of the Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act 2001 as amended. The main duties of the office are three, namely:

  • The general administration of the University including the custody of the University Seal and administration of assets.
  • Responsible for the management of finances, assets and human resources in accordance with the Public Finance Management Act 2015.
  • Provision of secretarial services to Council and its Committees.

Vision, Mission, Objective and Core Values


To be an effective and efficient Department capable of facilitating the

teaching, learning and research processes at the University.


To implement policies, regulations and guidelines in the administration of the University assets, finances and human resources, coordinate revenue mobilization, efficient allocation and accountability of the University resources.

Overall Objective

To implement Policies, Regulations and guidelines in the administration of the University, mobilize financial resources and regulate their management to enhance the teaching, learning and research processes at the University.

The specific objectives of the Department are;

  • To provide the secretariat to the Council and its Committees
  • To coordinate the implementation of Council resolutions and policies
  • To provide professional advice and guidance as well as interpretation of Council policies and decisions and to ensure their implementation.
  • To coordinate the timely preparation of the University annual budget and work plan
  • To monitor and track the utilization of capital and operational expenditure against approved plans and budget.
  • To coordinate the procurement of goods and services and ensuring that all contractual obligations are fulfilled in accordance with the Public Procurement and Disposal Act
  • To ensure that all recruitment, confirmation, promotion and discipline cases are dealt with in accordance with the Human Resources Manual
  • To ensure efficient provision of medical services to staff and students.
  • To ensure that legal, terminal and industrial relations issues are handled in accordance with Human Resources Manual and Laws of Uganda.
  • To enhance revenue collection to finance the University core mandate
  • To promote transparency and accountability for all University resources
  • To provide advice and interpretation on the implementation of Council policies and decisions
  • To coordinate the preparation of the annual budget and to ensure proper and efficient utilization of funds
  • To maintain an efficient and effective financial Management system,
  • To identify sources of and collect revenue for the University,
  • To manage and safeguard stores and assets,
  • To manage and control of commitment in line with quarterly expenditure limits,
  • To ensure Commitment of LPOs only on the availability of funds,
  • Responsible to Parliament in regard to financial administration,
  • To take disciplinary action against an employee who fails to comply with the financial instructions.

Current Staffing

The current staffing of the University Secretary’s office is as follows;

SN Name Position Contact
Mr. Arthur Katongole
Ag. University Secretary +256-704156549
Mrs. Stella T. Muhereza
Senior Assistant Secretary +256- 772669511
Mr. Charles Mukooza
Assistant Secretary +256-775300972
Ms. Christine Nakiguli
Administrative Secretary +256-789993391
Ms. Harriet Nakato
Records Assistant +256-702337417
M.Grace Namatovu
Office Attendant +256-704368274
Ms. Winnie Athieno

Other University Sections attached to University Secretary’s office

 The following Sections are under the office of the University Secretary;

Medical Center

The mandate of the medical centre is to provide health services to the Kyambogo University community that is students, staff, staff families and other individuals from the neighbourhood community.

Legal Unit

Legal Unit is involved in the management of cases on behalf of the University before Courts in liaison with the University external lawyers. The duties include preparation of briefs, preparation of witnesses for pre-trial and hearing and preparation of updates to the management.

Procurement and Disposal Unit

Procurement & Disposal Unit (PDU) is a Central unit responsible for procurement of goods, services and works for the entire University and her learning Centers.

Estates and Works Department​

The Department of Estates and Works is the technical department of Kyambogo University, responsible for performing four basic roles, namely: The maintenance and upkeep of the entire University infrastructure, the execution of minor civil, electrical and mechanical engineering works, the supervision of capital project, the custody of the University property and technical Arm of University Management.

University Farm​

Kyambogo University farm was established in 1972 by the then NTC Kyambogo to run along with the department of Agriculture. It has evolved over time to meet expectations of all levels of training.

Organogram for the University Secretary’s office.

The following is an organogram for the office of the University Secretary;

Invitation for Applications: Students’ Work-Study Scheme 2024/2025
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