The attention of Kyambogo University Management has been drawn to news coverage by the Daily Monitor of Thursday, 26th and Friday, 27th, October 2023, under the headlines ‘Marks for sale at universities and Universities face probe over the sale of marks’, respectively.
Kyambogo University has policies and guidelines regulating the management, processing and release of examination results. The university Senate established an Examination Malpractice Committee that handles cases of examination malpractice by students and an Appointment Board Disciplinary Committee that handles staff misconduct.
The university has since taken an interest in this matter, and a committee has been instituted to investigate the allegations.
Any staff or student found guilty of engaging in any form of examination malpractice shall be held accountable. Therefore, the university encourages anyone with information regarding this malpractice to provide information in confidence to the Academic Registrar, Dr. Annie Begumisa who can be reached on 0771616253 or
Please note that the information will be treated with the highest confidence level, and the informant will be protected per the Kyambogo University Whistleblowers protection rules.