The University through ADB established a business Incubation center (KYU-BIC) to promote innovations and research and also to equip students with relevant skills suitable for the industrial work, entrepreneurship preparedness and Job market competition.

To provide apprenticeship opportunities for the student community at KyU.

Message from the Manager

The role of Kyambogo University Business Incubation Center (KyU BIC) is to: (1) nurture business startups in bakery & confectionery, (2) serve as a source of revenue for the University through utilization of the commercial wing to provide unique and high quality bakery 

Who we are!

African Development Bank availed funds to the Government of Uganda to support improvement of the quality of Higher Education in Science and Technology (HEST). Consequently funds were allocated to support the establishment of an Incubation Center at Kyambogo University. 

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Get in touch


Faculty of Science main building adjacent to the Faculty Boardroom (west end)


Contact Us

Tel: 0414-286238, Fax: 0414-220464

Our Hours

MON-FRI 09:00 – 19:00

SAT-SUN 10:00 – 14:00